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Call for speakers, artists, invitation for sponsorship proposals until 15 April ! calendar map


Allright, let’s cut to the chase. This isn’t your everyday backyard party at Club Cross’s garden. This is where the future kicks in the door. We’re talking a full dive into decentralization and the tech that’s rewriting the rules. And yeah, we’ve got a special guests from the USA who’s gonna blow your mind.

Now, mix in some hands-on action with interactive stuff from Curiosity? That’s your ticket in.

But here’s the kicker: when that sun dips, we’re not winding down. We’re cranking it up with a party that’s all beats, no brakes. DJs on deck, ready to rock your world all night.

So, what’s it gonna be? Stand on the sidelines or jump into the heart of the digital revolution? Your future’s not just knocking; it’s here, and it’s loud. Let’s do this.

Innovation, technologies

Looking to stand out, not just blend in? Think you’ve got insights others need to hear? Grab that mic as a speaker or jump in as an artist. Dive deep, get your hands dirty, and join something massive. This isn’t your typical party fest; it’s your VIP pass to the future.

CONFERENCE a group of friends smiling talking outdoor sunshine chill

GLOBULA.SPACE beutiful space logo of globula space

Art contest Alert ! artist painting a painting people happy dancing with friends

After party Vibes

Speakers and Artists

Meet the trailblazers grabbing the mic at our event, a place where decentralization meets cutting-edge technology. Brace yourself for a mind-blowing mix of expertise and electrifying presentations that’ll flip your perspective on what’s ahead.

Stay tuned as we unveil the full lineup. Detailed program will be shared gradually, changes may be made as necessary.